How to Lose 10 kg With FASTING (For Beginners)

Health Care
How to Lose 10 kg With FASTING (For Beginners)

Losing weight is not easy if you are severely overweight and try to lose back a ton of it, and I see many people who suffer from obesity lose hopes because they don’t know what the good exercise or good diet to adopt in order to lose their fat fast, or maybe they know, but they don’t see an immediate result. Today, I am going to tell you how.

Firstly, this is how I lost weights, and being comfortable with myself now. So, I want to help you guys with this tip based on my experience even though I am not a professional, but I can share them to you some of the things I have done because I have already lost 7kg already for the past few months, and a family member of mine also lost 14kg already.

So, let’s get started:

Today, I am going to show you the fast tip to lose weight, but if you do want to be physically healthy in general, you also can read my previous posts about that as well.

What I am doing to lose weight fast is: Fasting!

Doing FAST means not eating foods for a period of time. I totally understand that it is difficult for us not eating foods if we are already obsessed with eating. I experienced that, and I feel you. But, don’t worry, guys. If you are determined enough, you will be successful. I believe you can do it.

So, if you are a beginner, you should start by skipping dinner. Dinner is a meal that make you prone to gaining weight the most because you usually have a few hours before going to bed. Just by not eating dinner, you will easily lose a few pounds in the first few weeks, depending on your weight.

Also, I want to clarify again and again that this is not easy for the first few days, or months, but if you try, you will success, and you will feel proud of yourself. If you are hungry, you can drink water, or do something else that help you occupied for a while.

For me personally, I read and write books because when I do it, I tend to forget the time. So, find something that can occupy you during the dinner time. Another thing you do is to have big breakfast. If you are hungry at night, tell yourself to be patient and that you will have a good and delicious breakfast in the morning.

That’s the beginner step. After that, you can also eat less lunch, and skip dinner. Therefore, good luck, guys. Give it a try for a few weeks, you will feel better both physically and mentally. A lot of people I know have done it already, and their result is basically good. They all feel good and proud about themselves after that.


That’s all for today.

Hope you enjoy this post. If you love it, please subscribe to my blog. You will be cared and loved and you will get any assessments to become the best version of yourself in this very blog, the most inspirational blog to keep you alert, confident, and self-developed.

Always smile and try your best,

5 Sports that make you Lose Weight Fast (INSANELY)

Health Care, Inspiration, Self-development
5 Sports to Lose Weight Extremely Fast

Losing weight can be hard when you force yourself not to eat as much as you like, or do extra activities that you don’t enjoy. In fact, you are doing it just for the sake of losing weight. Therefore, if you are looking to both losing weight and being entertained along the way, here is the best way. Pick up one of your favorite sports, and enjoy it!

Disclaimer: This is all according to an individual’s opinion (the author) and some of their experience, please don’t think of it as a hundred percent professional idea. Read it with an open mind because all of this post’s goal is to help people become the best version of themselves.

1. Running

When talking about losing weight and gaining strength at the same time, running is the most favorite sport or exercise I love to do the most. Running helps me lose extra pounds just for the first few months. Not to mention, it really makes me feel so good after a while of adapting to this kind of hard exercise. It can be extremely tiring if you are a beginner. Fortunately, you can start by walking first if you can’t run, or if you weigh too much to run, or it’s so exhausting for you.

2. Boxing

Even though I never do boxing in the gym, I still thinking that boxing is a fantastic sport for gaining strength and losing weight because it helps you to sweat a lot, and after boxing, you will feel extremely exhausting for the whole body, especially your arms, but you will feel better later. It also helps a lot in building muscles in the abdomen.

3. Swimming

If you enjoy swimming like I do, it’s no surprise that your body is fit and lean. This sport or rather fun activity is one of the best things to do in your free time. If you swim, you are not only exercising, but also learning to breathe longer, and it’s kind of cool too. So, if you love swimming, go do it regularly! It’s highly recommended.

4. Basketball

This sport also helps you lose a lot of weight because when you play basketball, you are running and holding the ball at the same time. It’s a competitive game. It helps both your mind and your body. One of the reasons I love this sport is because I love basketball players’ bodies. They have a straight body type, and their muscle is in great shape. Especially, it burns your fat belly tremendously.

5. Badminton

Among all of the sports I list above, badminton is the easiest sport for me, because you can do it with a friend or so, and you don’t need a lot of strength to start it. So, if you think you are still weak, and never have an intense exercise before, and still want to lose weight, go with this one! I also love doing it a lot.


That’s all for today.

Hope you enjoy this post. If you love it, please subscribe to my blog. You will be cared and loved and you will get any assessments to become the best version of yourself in this very blog, the most inspirational blog to keep you alert, confident, and self-developed.

Always smile and try your best,

3 Habits to Become Mentally Strong

Health Care, Self-development
3 Habits to Become Mentally Strong

Mental health is as important as other factors of your health. You should take care of it well, otherwise, you will suffer from, what people call, ‘Mental Health’. Back in the day, it’s not really a problem because some people might think it’s not as essential as physical health, but hell no, it’s absolutely important! The good news is if you are mentally strong, you tend to be physically strong as well. So, these are the three habits that will help you become mentally strong.

1. Ignore Media

Social Media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. nowadays play an important role in everyone’s life. Therefore, there are a variety of impacts that can affect you in many ways. If it’s a good influence, then take it. How about if it’s bad? Do you want to be affected by it? NO! But, how do you know if it’s bad?

You should notice how you feel when you use it if you want to figure out how good or bad it is to you. It’s as simply as that. When you see a person with many brand-new cars, big house, and new iPhone on their IG’s posts, how do you feel? Jealous and Envious, right? Yeah! That’s the bad impact right there. It makes you feel bitter about your life instead of being thankful to the things you already have.

Many people as well as YOU spend times on Social Media, especially in this quarantine. It’s okay if you use it to connect with your friends and family, but if you use it to compare your life to them, you get a lot of trouble right there. Because day by day, you will hate your life for not having something as the people show on the Media’s accounts. And, the reason I want you to ignore it is because it’s FAKE! Yeah, you saw it right. Social Media is FAKE.

See, people always smile and put the best moments of their life on their posts for likes, comments, or admiration, but they never show their real background there if it’s bad enough to make them feel ashamed to show off. In fact, they show only something they want people to know. It’s sometimes pathetic, you know.

So, there’s no reason for you to compare your life to a small part of someone else’s life on Social Media, right? It’s bad for your mental health a lot. You can use it, I mean if you are bored, but please don’t take it too seriously. And, the reason I want to emphasize on this impact of this Media things because I have seen many people around me, who look down at themselves because of that.

2. Create a healthy Routine




If you have a routine, you barely get the time to be depressed or anything. Get a healthy routine that fits with your interest. Set the time you go to sleep, and the time you get up. Make sure that it is the same every day. It’s not healthy to sleep late and get up late. It causes laziness, hunger, and many feelings that are not good for your mental health. I have already been there, and oh my gosh, it also affects my physical health. I gained weights and slept a lot in the afternoon. Hence, I couldn’t do anything in the afternoon. So, getting enough sleep also is a great routine for you. Then, set up some more good routines based on your interest.

  • Read books
  • Play sport/Exercise
  • Eat healthy
  • Get enough sleep

3. Write down Your Goals & Thoughts (Emotional)

People feel sad. By people, I mean everyone. We all have our own times. We feel depressed and upset about most things in our life. We can’t escape from that as a human. So, if you are down, tell someone you trust, but if you are the kind of person who doesn’t want to talk to someone much about your feeling, write it down. Writing down what you feel, your frustration, or anger can make you feel better, and I think it’s one of the best meditations for you to do.

Besides, you should focus on your goals. Have specific goals also help you to stay focused and engrossed, so you don’t have time to spend on the unimportant.


That’s all for today.

Hope you enjoy this post. If you love it, please subscribe to my blog. You will be cared and loved and you will get any assessments to become the best version of yourself in this very blog, the most inspirational blog to keep you alert, confident, and self-developed.

Always smile and try your best,

5 Easy Steps to Become Physically healthy (Lose Weight)

Health Care, Self-development
5 Easy Steps to Lose Weight ( Become Physically healthy )

I have lost 7kg in the last few months already while in quarantine. I tell you this, basically to inform you that the steps I am using are REALLY working. I can guarantee that it works for most people, especially someone who wants to drop a few pounds, but still struggling with it.

Firstly, the steps I am using here are completely natural and healthy, so you don’t have to worry about the unhealthy ways that can affect your health while implementing these steps in your daily routine. Secondly, it’s also free. You can do it at home, even without going to the gym or professional place to exercise if you don’t want to. Lastly, here are the steps:

1. Drink ENOUGH water

When talking about drinking water, some people might think that to drink as much as possible is the best way to feel full because they believe that the more water they consume, the less starving they feel, and for some people, it works, but for some, it’s totally a disaster. First of all, you might get hungrier by drinking a lot of water. I don’t know why, but it happens to me. It seems like I can’t get enough because there’s no food in my stomach. Therefore, the tip here is to just drink normally like you do. Two liters for most people is enough, or 8 glasses of it.

  • One or two (glasses) in the morning before breakfast (warm water if possible)
  • One before each meal
  • One or two when you are working or exhausted
  • One before bed

2. Go for a walk

The essential thing you need to do when you want to lose weight is to exercise, of course. But, for some people, they find it’s intimidating and boring. I know how it feels when you are not passionate about it, so I give you ONE great exercise you need to do. It’s walking. Go for a walk with your dog, or whoever has the same goal. Don’t pressure yourself too much. Thirty minutes per day is enough for beginners. While doing it, listen to your favorite music, podcasts, something that makes you forget that you are doing exercise.

3. Eliminate sugar in your diet

No sugar in your coffee. No sugar in every drink if possible. Don’t drink lemonade, thinking that it might be helpful since it has lemons in it. It won’t because the amount of sugar you put in it is kind of dangerous. The benefit of lemons is also decreased by it. So, if you want, in the morning, warm water with lemons are the best. Besides, no snack, no chocolate, no ice cream. Cut it out of your diet. But, hey! Once in a while is okay. You don’t have to feel bad about enjoying yourself all the time.

4. Early Dinner

For me, dinner is the most unessential meal of the day. I cut it out most of the time, or eat much less than I used to. Again, I don’t want you to suddenly cut it out because it’s hard for you, but the least you can do is to eat it early. Like, five or six o’clock in the evening, and don’t eat much. A week or so, you will see the result of not eating dinner if you dare to do the same as me. And, guys, before I have always thought that it’s bad to skip meal, but skipping dinner is totally fine for me, and it makes me feel better.

5. Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast, for me, is the most essential meal of the day. Don’t skip it. Good new is you can eat a lot in the morning, but make sure it’s healthy. You can have beef and rice, something you consider heavy meal, in the morning, and it’s fine. Just don’t eat snack in the morning, or something too sweet for you own good!

Follow the steps and you will see the result of your own hardworking and commitment, and if you have problem with building commitment, please visit the very first post of this blog.

3 Things You MUST Do to Build Commitment for Anything


That’s all.

Hope you enjoy this post. If you love it, please subscribe to my blog. You will be cared and loved and you will get any assessments to become the best version of yourself in this very blog, the most inspirational blog to keep you alert, confident, and self-developed.

Always smile and try your best,