3 Steps to Perfect Your Time When You Are Alone

Inspiration, Self-development
3 Ways to keep yourself busy and productive when you are alone
3 Ways to keep yourself busy and productive when you are alone

Have you ever felt intimidated when you are alone? 



Well, it’s because you feel like you are the loneliest person in the entire world, and you feel so dramatic that it makes you unproductive and lazy, and you don’t want to do anything besides sleeping and eating because you feel like you are just some person out there who has no one but yourself. 

Don’t worry! 

Don’t be anxious and stressed out!

Because we’ve all been there, and it feels really awful.

Since you have been through these many times than you can count, sooner or later you will realize how bad it is to waste your time sulking and wishing that one day someone you want to spend time with will want to spend time with you too. 

It rarely happens, though. 

It’s a reality.


You have these solutions:

1. Create habits

Do something that you love. 

Create habits that can be both beneficial and entertaining for you soon you will forget other people’s companies, and enjoy your own more. 

Nothing better than feeling grateful that finally, you love yourself enough to spend time alone without feeling lonely at all. 

The best solution to spend your alone time is, again, to create habits—habits that you love more than anything else. Create habits that include your passion. If you love writing, go write a book, a blog, a fiction, or whatsoever that you could think of. Write them down. Lay it out. It’s good for both your mental and psychological health. You will be able to think on your own feet, or at least a little bit sharper than you were. 

Another favorite habit that I am going to share with you is reading. Read as much as you want. Whether it’s a novel or anything that you find interesting; you can read them with excitement while gaining a lot of knowledge from that. 

Aside from reading and writing, you can go exercising, walking, or any other sports you love to do, and you can do it alone. 

2. Make Plans

When the time you need to spend alone arrives, I know some of you might be messed up because you don’t know what you are going to do. 

The solution is to make a plan. 

Write it down. 

It can be the movies you want to watch along time ago, but you don’t have time to watch it. Foods you want to learn to cook along time ago, but you are just too busy to do it. Just jot everything down. 

You also can plan to write a blog post. Create your own blog or anything related to your passion. 

The bottom line is if you do what you love, the time you spend alone will pass by quicker than you have ever thought.   

For me personally, I love reading, writing, learning a new language, and going for a walk. Therefore, whenever I am alone, I just do all of those things, and sometimes the time I spend alone isn’t enough. Funny, right?

The thing is I grow to love spending alone time more. 

Going to get my coffee, and eating my favorite food alone also sounds fun to me. 

You will think it is weird and pathetic, but it’s so therapeutic.

3. Prioritize Your Work 

Get your work done!

Don’t procrastinate!

Use your alone time to finish your paperwork, your assignment if you are a student. I know that sometimes, we feel lazy and stuff, but the alone time really helps you get your work done properly. 

After getting your work done, you can give some rewards to yourself by watching some movies or even buying your favorite stuff you want to buy a long time ago. Use rewards wisely and don’t spoil yourself. 

When you learn to connect with yourself more, then, you are likely to connect with other people when you are surrounded by them You will give them the vibe of likeliness and loveliness because you feel connected and confident in yourself. 

Bonus: A Morning Routing also helps you to start your day perfectly and productively. 

Alright, that’s all for today.

Hope this post really helps you to perfect your time, and you won’t ever feel so lonely again when you are alone. Anyway, thanks for visiting this blog, and feel free to try any tip above, and I am looking forward to seeing your result in the comment. 

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Always smile and try your best,

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